InChildHealth hosted the IDEAL cluster meeting 2024

The InChildHealth project was happy to host the annual IDEAL cluster 2024 meeting at Aalto University campus in Finland, Thanks to all the in-person and online participants for the fruitful discussions on Indoor Air Quality and Health Research with the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), KHEALTHinAIR EU Project, TWINAIR, InChildHealth, LEARN Project, EDIAQI EU, INQUIRE and SynAir-G.

Impact Assessment in Citizen Science Health Studies

In November 2023, Teresa Schäfer and Claudia Magdalena Fabian from the Centre for Social Innovation – ZSI, participated in the 1st international Citizen Science for Health conference in Twente, the Netherlands. At the conference the ZSI team organized a 1,5-hour solution room to discuss and further elaborate on the topic: “The Challenges of Impact Assessment in Citizen Science Health Studies” …

Meet the PI for AIT

Clara Pogner is the PI for AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and leading the WP4 Technology development and mitigation strategies which focuses on: Development, assessment and deployment of cost-effective and user-friendly monitoring devices, control strategies, and devices to facilitate a user-friendly alert system that can influence social behaviour Development and deployment of novel technologies to improve indoor environmental quality to …

InChildHealth at ECSA 2024

Teresa Schäfer, Claudia Magdalena Fabian, Barbara Kieslinger and Elisabeth Unterfrauner from the ZSI team participated to the 5th European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) conference that was held in Vienna. During their workshop “How to include schools in science health studies: practical experiences and lessons learned?” the main points of the discussion were: STE(A)M education is becoming more significant for science education and …

The start of our sampling campaigns

Did you know that we are starting sampling in 4 countries? We are monitoring the air quality in places where primary school children spend their time. This will help us understand what children are exposed to in their daily life. Stay tuned for more news!

Identifying determinants for indoor air quality and their health impact in environments for children: measures to improve indoor air quality and reduce disease burdens

The InChildHealth project will integrate health, environmental, technical and social sciences research to identify determinants for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and evaluate their impact in environments occupied by school children. Real-life indoor air quality (IAQ) data will be collected across Europe. User-friendly and low-cost monitoring technologies and strategies (technical and behavioural) to improve IAQ and reduce disease burdens will be …

Meet the PI from CSEM

Stephan Dasen is a project manager and communication systems engineer, together with a team of highly skilled engineers and technicians, provides wearable sensors allowing to monitor the health status as well as the activity of asthmatic children. Working in CSEM, he is responsible for the wearable sensors​ under the InChildHealth Project.

InChildHealth meeting in Lisbon

Over 40 members of the InChildHealth consortium convened in Lisbon, Portugal for the hybrid consortium meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal. During the week a lot of brainstorming and discussion went into adding the final touches to the sampling strategy for the Tier0 and Tier1 sampling campaigns, and reviewing the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sampling. This meeting was hosted at …

Meet the IPL team

Did you know that H&TRC – Health and Technology Research Center has a massive expertise in microbiologic agents exposure, mainly in indoor air environmental, as well as, occupational environments? These four researchers – Carla Viegas, Marina Almeida-Silva, Edna Ribeiro and Liliana Aranha Caetano – will collaborate in several WP from the InChildHealth Project and also in IDEAL Cluster.