
Citizen Science in Portugal


The InChildHealth project was recently featured on the news page of the Luís de Sttau Monteiro school cluster in Loures (Portugal), following the citizen science activities carried out at three schools during the Cultural week “Semana Cultural”. The schools of Fanhões, Casainhos, and Murteira participated in this incredible project, which not only focuses on evaluating air quality in the schools and the well-being of the students but also aims to promote scientific education.
Through hands-on educational activities related to the air they breathe inside the school building students had the chance to become “scientists for a day”. Supported by funding from the European Union and in collaboration with environmental health experts, alongside the invaluable help of teachers and staff, the project has been a great success. It is considered a significant contribution to the children’s education, fostering a deeper connection between the community and science. This initiative reflects the schools’ commitment to creating a healthier environment for student growth and learning.
The news about the InChildHealth project will also be featured in the upcoming edition of Journal “O Pequeno Saloio”, a newspaper created by the Parents’ Association of Fanhões School. This publication aims to keep all parents, and the wider community informed about important school activities and events.

Read our previous post about the Citizen Science activities carried out in Portugal